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Forever Learning Institute

History and Politics

Snapshot of Budapest, Hungary


with Marty Weber, M.A.

Calendar Mar 5, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 10 weeks

This course will explore the beautiful Budapest! We will explore some of the history, architecture, culture, traditions and of course, food of Budapest and Hungary. There are so many amazing things to see and experience in Budapest. I will introduce basic vocabulary for anyone interested in travelling to Budapest or Hungary in general. I will put a booklet together for students taking this class of the topics we are discussing and resources that may be helpful. There will be a $5.00 copying fee.

Will run

Darwin for Believers and Unbelievers


with Robert Jay Malone, Ph.D.

Calendar Mar 6, 2025 at 9:30 am, runs for 8 weeks

We will explore the life of Darwin and examine how his theory has changed our world. Whether or not you believe in a God or in gods, evolution has transformed the way we look at nature, and it is imperative that we understand that transformation. (The recent pandemic is one such example of that transformation.) Over 1/3 of Americans do not accept evolution. The class’s purpose is not to make you a believer in evolution -- the purpose is to see how natural selection affects every aspect of your life. Young-earth creationists are welcome! One text: A Modest Genius by Hanne Strager, ca. $10. About me: I am trained as a historian of science and have taught at the Univ of Florida and Notre Dame.

Will run



with Rev. Christopher Kuhn, M.A.

Calendar Mar 6, 2025 at 1 pm, runs for -10 weeks

Reformation will begin by looking at the earlier reform movements in the Middle Ages & how they inflluenced the Reformation of the 1500's. We will then consider the changes in European life in the late Middle Age & the medieval Church. Then we will consider the major reformers of the sixteenth /century: Matin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, and King Henry VIII. We will consider their backgrounds and affects on the Reform.

Will run

Poland: The Lithuanian Connection


with Robert Jankowski, MBA

Calendar Mar 7, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 10 weeks

This course explores Poland’s history from the rise of the Jagiellonian Dynasty (1386–1572) through the formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, highlighting its political, cultural, and military achievements. It also examines the causes and consequences of Poland’s partition in the late 18th century.

Will run

Redistricting 101


with Ralph Spelbring, B.A.

Calendar Mar 7, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 5 weeks

Michigan’s 5th Congressional District, formerly represented by Gerald Ford, covers parts of Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and Berrien Counties. It stretches along the state lines of Indiana and Ohio, from Lake Michigan to Lake Erie. The district’s boundaries are often noted for their irregular shape, which has led to discussions about the potential for more compact or logical district designs. Critics suggest that the current configuration may impact local community representation, while others contend that the district’s shape reflects broader political or demographic considerations.

Nietzsche and Heidegger: Godfathers of Fascism, Dynamite to Christianity


with Chris Miller, M.A.

Calendar Mar 7, 2025 at 1:30 pm, runs for 10 weeks

Today, a specter haunts our world. Its name is fascism. Alive and well, it finds inspiration in Nietzsche and Heidegger, two towering figures of 20th century Germany. It wishes to destroy democracy and Christianity. How is this so? This class investigates this matter, weighing the good and evil of these twin ideologies, democracy and fascism, At the end, shall we be good fascists or good democrats (and Christians)? No knowledge of philosophy required, only a desire to think and explore larger world forces that will effect the lives of our children and grandchildren. $5 copy fee. Cheap copy of F. Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil.

Constitution of the United States: A History


with John H. Haas, Ph.D.

Calendar Mar 7, 2025 at 2 pm, runs for 10 weeks

America's Constitution is a remarkable, resilient, and also controversial document. It is also full of drama, change and seeming contradictions. It heralds "we the people" but establishes an electoral college. It erects a Supreme Court to protect the people, but gives that court no actual power. It once protected slavery, and then outlawed it. It bans cruel and unusual punishments, but the US is one of the few nations to retain the death penalty. If you love it, fear it, or are simply curious about it, this class should help and surprise you. Our text will be Akhil Reed Amar, America's Constitution: A Biography (Random House, 2006).

Full Course

Understanding Modern Israel: Its People, and Struggle for Survival and Peace


with Bob Feferman, B.A.

Calendar Mar 13, 2025 at 11 am, runs for 5 weeks

The class title is: "Understanding Modern Israel: the people, and its struggle for survival and peace". The presenters are Bob Feferman, Community Relations Director for the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley and Omer Karavani, Israeli Emissary to the Jewish Federation. The first three sessions will be conducted by Omer Karavani. He will present, "My Israeli Story", that tells the story of Israel through his personal story and that of his family. The 2nd session will be an overview of the Jews of the Middle East, and the 3rd session will be on "Israel the Melting Pot?" The fourth and fifth sessions will be presented by Bob Feferman titled, "Israel: A Struggle for Survival and Peace".  Classes will meet in: March 13th, March March 20th, 27th, April 3rd and April 17th.

Will run

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