Understanding Modern Israel: Its People, and Struggle for Survival and Peace
with Bob Feferman, B.A.
Only 4 days left to register!
The class title is: "Understanding Modern Israel: the people, and its struggle for survival and peace". The presenters are Bob Feferman, Community Relations Director for the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley and Omer Karavani, Israeli Emissary to the Jewish Federation. The first three sessions will be conducted by Omer Karavani. He will present, "My Israeli Story", that tells the story of Israel through his personal story and that of his family. The 2nd session will be an overview of the Jews of the Middle East, and the 3rd session will be on "Israel the Melting Pot?" The fourth and fifth sessions will be presented by Bob Feferman titled, "Israel: A Struggle for Survival and Peace". Classes will meet in: March 13th, March March 20th, 27th, April 3rd and April 17th.
Mar 13 - Apr 17th, 2025
Thu for 5 weeks from 11:00 am - 12:00 pmWill run
The Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley
(574) 233-1164
3202 Shalom Way
South Bend, IN 46615
Get directions
Room: 1