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Watercolor Workshop - Zoom
with Dorothy McGovern, M.A.
Each week we'll paint a picture. Expect something different each week; we'll mix it up with loose and realistic painting and try different techniques. Before class you will receive an email with a sketch, a reference photo, and a list of materials (paint colors, brushes, accessories (sponge, masking fluid, etc.). Expect something different each week; we'll mix it up and do realistic painting and then loose painting. Each painter is encouraged to make the painting their own - choosing different colors, or applying their own style and perspective to the painting. Mostly we'll have fun sharing painting ideas. Prerequisites: Beginners Watercolor & Zoom Experience
Darwin for Believers and Unbelievers
with Robert Jay Malone, Ph.D.
We will explore the life of Darwin and examine how his theory has changed our world. Whether or not you believe in a God or in gods, evolution has transformed the way we look at nature, and it is imperative that we understand that transformation. (The recent pandemic is one such example of that transformation.) Over 1/3 of Americans do not accept evolution. The class’s purpose is not to make you a believer in evolution -- the purpose is to see how natural selection affects every aspect of your life. Young-earth creationists are welcome! One text: A Modest Genius by Hanne Strager, ca. $10. About me: I am trained as a historian of science and have taught at the Univ of Florida and Notre Dame.
German 1
with Karen Kazmierzak, M.S.
Guten Tag! - The focus for this class is on basic communication skills. Speaking and correct pronunciation will be emphasized. Grammar and vocabulary are introduced as needed. Some functional communication skills include: asking/answering simple questions, asking directions, ordering food and going shopping. German culture is an important part of this course. We will discuss daily life, food, and holidays. We will study some poems and learn a few folk songs. Recommended text: LANGUAGE HACKING GERMAN: LEARN HOW TO SPEAK GERMAN RIGHT AWAY. This can be ordered from Amazon. There is a $3.00 copy fee.
Chinese Mahjong
with Cecelia Hossler
Mahjong is a Chinese game of skill, strategy, and calculation. It is considered a "mind sport" and is fun and interesting to play. The game is played with four players using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits. You will learn the basics of the official game and strategy tips for playing. Researchers believe that playing the game is beneficial for individuals with the beginning signs of dementia, cognitive, and memory difficulties. So, come challenge your mind with Chinese Mahjong.
Having Fun with French: Advanced Beginning French
with Jerry Gloster, M.A.
Students must know all regular verb conjugations in the presebt tenses, be familiar with the passe compose, the imperfect, the immediate future with aller, etc. They should also be know the irregular verbs: être, avoir, faire, & aller. Text: Easy French: Step-by-Step, Mastering High Frequency Grammar for French Proficiency--Fast by Myrna Bell Rochester, McGraw-Hill Education, 2009. $5 copy fee due the first day of class. 8 classes guaranteed, including the first and last weeks of the semester.
Intermediate Juggling - Ball and Club Passing
with Bill Hooper
Intermediate juggling is for all graduates of the learn to Juggle class or anyone that can juggle three balls. The class will continue the development cycle for juggling and in several new props such as spinning plates, Poi and Rings. Juggling clubs and passing will be developed for all with expectations that by the end of this class all participants will be able to juggle three clubs and pass clubs or rings with a partner. All participants will be required to purchase three juggling clubs for the course in addition to if they have not from the prior course, purchase three juggling balls. Taught by Co-Founders of the Michiana Juggling Club, Bill Hooper and Al Eisenhour.
with Indi Dieckgrafe, MFA
InterPlay is a creative form of movement/dance and play appropriate for all ages and abilities. Class begins with a warm-up and then moves into a series of “forms” that allow you to play with movement, simple stories, and voice. The forms are taught incrementally and are easy to learn, allowing you to connect with your inner self and with others. No one is judged or put on the spot, and you can sit out and observe whenever you care to. InterPlay integrates body, mind, heart and spirit, and is the perfect antidote to stress. Please wear comfortable clothing and be ready to move.
Italian Language and Culture Through Food (Part 2)
with Nancy D'Antuono, Ph.D.
This course will continue to explore and expand upon the unique cultural heritage of Italy's regions relative to their culinary preferences and innovations. We will continue to review major grammar points and to develop conversational skills pertinent to travel to Italy. Supplementary cultural materials will be provided by the instructor, as before. Our text continues to be Italian Through Food by Andrea Parisi (available on Amazon)