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Health and Fitness
with Joseph Collins, AD, QMCP

HealthRHYTHMS - 6 Weeks: 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17 at 11 AM - An evidenced-based group empowerment drumming program that uses drums and percussion instruments as an extension of our inner selves to communicate. Benefits of this program include boosting your mood, decreasing your stress, and building camaraderie. Classes will be held at: Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern Indiana 111 Sunnybrook Ct. South Bend, IN. 46637
Spring Walking Club
with Amal Farrough

Each week, explore a different natural area with a St. Joseph County Parks naturalist. Discover what’s going on in the natural world, find out the unique features of each spot, and enjoy outdoor exercise! Each hike will start at 10:00 am and last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours, covering 1-2 miles. 8 weeks total on Mondays, March 17, 24, 31, April 21, 28, and May 5.
Chair One Fitness
with Joseph Collins, AD, QMCP

Chair One Fitness is a comprehensive chair exercise program created for individuals who have complications standing during a fitness regimen. This includes senior citizens, people with balance deficits, injuries, disabilities, or suffering from obesity. It is designed to keep individuals mobile to ensure they remain progressive in daily function and/or recovery. This program delivers a fun, musically driven, interactive, full body workout that uplifts people through dance and fitness movements. Classes will be held at: Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern Indiana 111 Sunnybrook Ct. South Bend, IN. 46637 Dates: Monday's 2:30- 3:30 pm March 24th, 31st April 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Will run
Spring Hiking Series
with Mikaela Gohn

Ready, set, hike! During this series, you will get to explore several parks and observe different plant and animal habitats while getting in healthy exercise. This program will consist of six guided hikes, some of which may take place on moderately hilly terrain and muddy trails. The cost for the entire series is $20, which is due at the first hike. Hikes will take place at 9 AM on Wednesday, from March 26th to April 30th. The first hike will take place at St. Patrick's County Park.